You are exactly where you’re supposed to be
You are exactly where you’re supposed to be

In the world of social media, it is increasingly more difficult not to compare ourselves to others, but comparing yourself to others will leave you feeling like you’re not where you would like to be or like you’re missing out on something. Everyone else seems to be living a happier and fuller life… But the truth is we all feel this way every now and again.

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Why dating a younger man might not be such a bad idea
Why dating a younger man might not be such a bad idea

Social expectations tell us that the man we’re dating must be older and taller than us - remember, you must be shorter than the man of your dreams even when you’re wearing high heels. But in real life, not every woman wants to wear high heels and not everyone cares if they’re taller or older than the man they’re dating.

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Living a stress-free life – is it even possible?
Living a stress-free life – is it even possible?

Our own expectations and standards, as well as our reactions, have a huge impact on the way we handle a stressful situation. Just imagine how you’d feel if you’re constantly worrying about losing a couple of pounds and you’re always comparing yourself to others – even though you’re doing everything humanly possible to reach your goal, the constant stress of your own expectations and all that pressure coming from society makes it unbearable. Wouldn’t it be nice to get rid of all that stress?

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7 things to do when moving house
7 things to do when moving house

Moving house is always a significant step in a person’s life: you leave your old home behind and start something new. Still, often times it’s like living in a war zone; especially if it involves a lengthy renovation process. These 7 tips will help you avoid feeling like a maniac when you make the big move.

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If life is too hard on you, remember these
If life is too hard on you, remember these

Life is hard sometimes, it's just not fair. But then there are days when we realize that life is beautiful just the way it is. Every coin has two sides, one can't exist without the other. Life is hard for everyone, but no one said it'd be easy. There are moments of despair and discouragement. In moments like these, it's best to focus on things that can help you go on.

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