How to get people to listen to you
How to get people to listen to you

Do you feel like people are not taking you seriously? They don’t listen to you, they don’t really consider the things you say or they steal your ideas as if you were not even there… We all deserve to be seen and we all deserve to be respected. Here’s what you can do to change how people see you

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The truth of one sided love – a letter from a girl in love
The truth of one sided love – a letter from a girl in love

A couple of months ago, I didn’t think I would ever love again. My partner of eight years left me. We were planning our wedding and he just left me. But then, the impossible happened: I fell in love again. I fell in love with you. I listened to my heart. Was I too hasty? I love you, I want to love you but you wouldn’t let me and that hurts. What hurts the most is that you’re not wiling to give me a chance. And everybody should be given a chance.

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